Creative Inventions that help ease the work of people and also have fun when bored
its useless water can't power up the pistons and it will make the tank rust more faster -
cOM: hAKK: I think you need to go back to school and learn about what invention means
Com: Coco;: how will 4 4!!!!! i say tiny excavators help with people's lives (ò_óˇ)
tbh I just like how the creator thinks all of these clips are helpful but in reality 1/4 of them are usless
Com: David: Finally! A flashlight that can pop ALL of my balloons. My girlfriend is in the bedroom, buried under a million balloons. I don't even need to call 911.
Just walk in there with my flashlight. Hope she's not mad that I didn't buy a flashlight sooner.
Com: Here: Satisfying moment ... i love it... newbee here... promotjng some of my d I Y.. thankyou