This is fantastic! Right up to the point the moisture in the green concrete turns to steam and it explodes. Love the design and the build, just needs a tad more cure time I think.
I instruct the author to separate sand from ash and coals for the rest of his life. Yes, and also collect food that has fallen from the skewers into the coal.
a stronger base, colored fireclay bricks, colored mortar, a vent at the bottom with a curtain, and a grill and a cauldron and skewers on top, that would also be creative.
Great idea if you had the space and time the amount of bricks used could have built the border wall
There is always an idea! Only in this idea there is more no than yes.
Any brick in open conditions will collapse within a year, given that it will heat up, cool down, rain, and if there is also frost, it will be torn apart like a “Tuzik hot water bottle.” I personally use a stone from old zherenov (mills), it is round in shape,
I think it is at least 200 years old, about a meter in diameter, 20-25 cm thick. Someone once processed it into this shape. It’s clear that temperature and precipitation will do their job, I’ve been using it for more than 30 years, it’s enough for my lifetime and there will be some left for my grandchildren if they need it.