I'm a proud former SSgt in the USAF ('76 - '80). I never did get to see one of these awesome bombers in person. I was stationed at a SAC base in northern Maine. All we had was the old stuff like B-52's and KC-135's. Our claim to fame was the large inventory of nukes.
Even the UFO's that visit daily must be impressed at the advancement. Although next to them this is a standstill.
stealth means it can be detected but a weapon grade lock isn't possible, what if fighter jets intercepts the B2 spirit.. can it be shot down
Stopping it would stop the war. It would bring no benefit to anyone, only loss. Every time I saw it fly towards me, it sounded like the wind was blowing hard. I heard it every time I remembered it. It would make me invisible like it was written about the sound of flying. Each time, it's not like anyone else. You don't have to underline what I wrote because you guys never really know the truth. Please don't know too much because they've never flown to you. You probably think I'm joking or something.... Remember that there is still heaven above the sky. Please accept this fact because you are people like this. My communication system has been damaged many times and when I can compete in rowing boat races, I will compete in supernatural events that no one can do. Like me, believe it or not, it's up to you. You're not just a person named Fon who keeps annoying you. Learn to accept the truth when communicating so that we can understand each other. You're not just waiting to win. Money or trophies aren't available to you. Therefore, when communicating, accept. Do you listen to other people?