Beautiful hedge! I'm amazed the undercut (finished trim) is so thick and dense, no holes or bare spots, like a solid wall of hedge. Alot of care and attention was given to this hedge. I'd like to see the other parts of that garden. Nice vid!!
That’s an amazing job you did there. This is the first video I’ve seen of yours, definitely subscribing now.
You know I’ve always wondered if someday someone will invent a much easier machine to assist people like yourself in trimming without excessive labor and end result muscle pain?!
Wow what an amazing job! Number one. Some people prefer listening to the rain (white noise) to relax them. Not me I LOVE watching videos like this.
Number two. I know how hard it is to do even small shrubs. This spring I decided to give our four shrubs a little trimming. Well by the time I was finished those poor things looked horrid. It looked as if I came out in the middle of the night.
Completely stoned out of my gourd on edibles and trimmed the shrubs with a gosh darn weed eater!!!