In Soviet times, doctors noticed that women working on goose trucks stopped giving birth and forbade work, left a certain number of hours on wheeled vehicles, so there is nothing good in vibrations, but now fashion perfumes are climbing into truckers, your lot, church, home
The blade is good, I worked on a postman auger, only I had an old modification that had a chidrotank at the back of a round twenty liters, if you pour oil, it will squeeze out a little air, the cylinder on the clutch stops working until you turn it off.
Well done buddy, teach your wife to ride a tractor, you will have an assistant, God forbid, well done guys, good luck in your work!
After reading the comments, they write all sorts of nonsense, but this is how the girl does the planning, more than one did not say that it turns out exactly
Hello Good afternoon. Andrey. A. Who was the cab of the tractor. In summer. You. Filmed leveled the field girl. In the cockpit. Tractor. SMS write